• Indonesia Single Origin Coffee - Black Drum Roasters
  • Indonesia Single Origin
  • Indonesia Single Origin

Indonesia, Gayo | Black Honey GR1


Gayo’s Best Lab, a small business in Banda Aceh, Sumatra, is on a mission to boost the local economy by crafting premium products. Their Black Honey coffee process, infused with fruity and sweet notes, involves a meticulous process retaining sticky fruit mucilage during drying, resulting in a flavour that's a sought-after tune for coffee enthusiasts. Producer: Gayo's Best Lab (CV.K2) Region: Atu Lintang, Central Aceh Altitude: 1,400 - 1,650m above sea level Varietal: Sigarar Utang Process: Honey Taste Notes: Dried Fig, Cinnamon, Sugar Syrup  

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